Overseas Council Global Network
The Global Overseas Council network works in five regions of the world: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East/North Africa. Together with our Overseas Council affiliates we are involved in over 120 schools in 70 countries, and each of these partner schools is strategic within its sphere of influence and work.
Leadership Development International
Russell Thorp, Executive Director
PO Box 68208, Victoria Street West,
Auckland, 1142
New Zealand
Tel: +64 9 376 5190
Email: admin@ldl.org.nz
Website: www.leadev-langham.org
Overseas Council Australia
Stuart Brooking, Executive Director
PO Box 437 Parramatta
NSW 2124
Tel: +61 2 9635 4409
Email: office@overseascouncil.com.au
Website: www.overseascouncil.com.au
Overseas Council USA
Scott Cunningham, Executive Director
205 Regency Executive Park Dr, Suite 430
Charlotte, NC 28217
Tel: +1 704 357 3355
Email: info@overseas.org
Website: www.overseas.org
Overseas Council Europe
Andreas Kammer, Executive Director
Hasengasse 2
89522 Heidenheim
Tel: +49 7321 / 34 960 50
Email: mail@overseas-training.org
Website (in German): www.overseas-training.org
reSource Leadership International (formerly Overseas Council Canada)
Peter DenHaan, President
5335 Gainsberg Road
Bowser, British Columbia
V0R 1G0
Tel: +1 778 424 2231
Email: info@resourceleadership.com
Website: www.resourceleadership.com