The words of Rev Lamri, who graduated from Tyrannus Bible Seminary (TBS) in 2004. He’s what we call a ‘Radical Disciple’; the kind of leaders the church in Asia Pacific needs as it grows rapidly in spite of extreme poverty and pressure. Rev Lamri tells his own story:
“God granted me the privilege of studying theology at the Tyrannus Bible Seminary (TBS). I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in 2004, and since then, I have been abundantly blessed in my work for Him.
I have served as a seminary teacher, state civil employee, an ordained pastor and an evangelist. I will never forget the first church I pastored. It was located in a very bad town. The environment was oppressive and evil. Our little congregation was literally a light in that very dark region where paganism, prostitution and gambling were prevalent. It was hard to evangelize there.
Looking back, those were very difficult years, but God taught me important lessons I needed to learn. He challenged me to walk by faith and not by sight.
Today I am a pastor of a small local church. The culmination of the past years of my experiences in ministry has proven to make me an even more effective leader and worker for Jesus. I am grateful for all I have learned in the classroom at TBS and outside of the classroom serving as Jesus’ hands and feet.
Thank you for taking part in the special work here in Asia!”
“The culmination of the past years of my experiences in ministry has proven to make me an even more effective leader and worker for Jesus. I am grateful for all I have learned in the classroom at TBS and outside of the classroom serving as Jesus’ hands and feet.”
In today’s world of religious, social and political extremes—the term “radical” very likely conjures up more negative connotations than positive ones. Yet, it’s a word that comes from the Latin root radix meaning “a root.” In this context, the picture of a radical disciple is not one of blind, fervent obedience, but instead, a follower of Jesus who is rooted in and responding to the truth of God’s Word.
When confronted with the reality of social inequalities in Asia-Pacific, it is clear that more radical disciples are needed. This is why we support the development of Christian leaders as they become “rooted and grounded” in God’s Word, and then go on to make a multiplier difference in their communities, churches and nations – courageous men and women of God.